Tsukuba Wiki

Japanese: 救急車 (きゅうきゅうしゃ)

If you need an ambulance, dial 119. The ambulance and the Fire Department can both be reached by dialing this number.


  • If you want to receive emergency care for a sickness (for example, you were up all night with the stomach flu), you will probably get faster service at a local clinic than at a big hospital. Hospitals often classify "emergency" as "patient came in by ambulance". If you didn't come in by ambulance, you might have to wait your turn at a big hospital (which could take a couple of hours). Smaller clinics are better at dealing with "light" emergencies like this, and your chances of receiving quick treatment improve if you have been to the clinic in the past. Notify the reception of your situation, and they will often let you see the doctor fairly quickly, if there are no other serious patients before you. (Of course, this advice is meant for cases in which (1) the illness is not so severe that the patient is going to need to be admitted to the hospital immediately and (2) the patient can wait until the clinic opens to receive care.) -- Shaney 13:26, 11 Aug 2005 (UTC)

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